Why using it?
This tool is used to learn how to test ideas as they would be implemented in reality, and to examine and potentially re-design and define all the details.
What is it?
It is a prototyping tool based on role playing.
• Firstly plan how to prototype and with which roles.
• Provide useful materials and props for building and prototyping.
• Ask the participant to compose a storyline and define how to act each passage.
• Next steps consists in let the participants to act and examine the flow of the prototype.
• Each time a detail is either introduced or re-designed the role play starts from the beginning and the storyline updated.
Tips for the facilitator:
Don’t push for the quality but for the quantity. More prototype you make more feedback you get and details you define.
Materials needed:
Paper, markers, glue, colored paper, old magazine, props.
5 hours.
Windhoek, October 2016.