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Why using it?

Use the big 4 to better focus on limited and clear (personal) topics.

What is it?

The big 4 consist in a simple map divided in 4 parts: each part should be used to identify a topic related to yourself.


• Start tracing an X on the sheet.

• Participants have to place their-self at the center.

• Participants have to think about 4 themes that are important for them.

• Start to visualise them using different techniques (collages, hand drawing and writings, painting).

• Present the poster to other participants.

Tips for the facilitator:

Motivate them, help them to avoid stereotypes.

Materials needed:

A3 paper, scissors,markers and glue, colored paper, old magazines, sticky tape.


2 hours.

Western Cape South Africa, May 2017. With !Khwa ttu trainees.

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