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Why using it?

Use face the future in order to gain insights to understand how youth feel about their future.

What is it?

‘Face the future’ is a playful and interactive game-playing data collection method.
Engage youth and asks them to design a mask which represents their hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future! Using face the future with social media would also be effective at improving dissemination.


• It is required that participants name their mask and create its design.

• Let them adding comments on their mask, using speech bubbles that allow to generate insights about who they are and how they feel.

• Take pictures while participants are wearing their masks!

Tips for the facilitator:

Take pictures!

Materials needed:

Paper, scissors, elastic, markers and glue, colored paper, old magazines, sticky tape, colored stickers, cardboard to make a frame for the picture.


2 hours.

Kalahari Desert South Africa, September 2016. Kalahari Desert Festival.

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